2025, what a year….and we’re only 16 days in. I was planning to do a large scale annual reading, as I’ve been trepidatiously eye-balling the astrology of this year since around 2021, but unsurprisingly, spirit had a different agenda. When I feel a message try to push it’s way from the spirit world earthside, I begin to sense the air around me shift, it often feels like fluttering of wings around my face, and fills me with anticipation mixed with an urgency to find an uninterruptible space where I can discover what imprint of wisdom is on its way.
Once I received the message and recorded it, I waited a week. I tried to re-record it, but nothing came. I almost didn’t put it out. There was something about the “reunion of souls” prophecy (that I also received in December of 2020 during a client reading, later to forget all about it), and the foretelling coming again this month that made me slightly hesitant. As I pondered whether or not I should post the reading, I randomly picked up my phone. All of a sudden a video of an elder shaman (who I don’t follow and had never seen before) who studied with Don Miguel Ruiz (of The Four Agreements) popped up on my phone, speaking about an ancient South American prophecy of ancient souls coming back to Earth at this time. I was in shock that this news was already known perhaps hundreds of thousands of years ago, and that this was the same message I keep receiving. It was confirmed, and the time in history was now. That was my sign.
I’ve found this sense of doubt recently creeping in at unlikely moments. Yesterday I was teaching meditation through the lens of trusting oneself to my daughter’s 6th grade class, when I internally decided that what I was teaching was not helpful or translating to this age group. I continued my mini lecture and spoken meditation until completion, already set on defeat. I was anticipating my daughter meeting me in the hall afterwards, acknowledging it was a flop, but a good try. To my surprise, when I had finished, I was met with girls crying from their experience, asking if they could go back into the meditation, gleeful sharing, and asking me to please come back. The session was concluded by the girl in the class my daughter thinks of as “cold” initiating a group hug. I even received a text from a parent afterward thanking me for taking the time to work with them.
Lately, I’ve been peppered with clients who are also experiencing self doubt, coming up in places and situations where they should feel confident or at least comfortable. I asked spirit where this self-doubt is coming from, and why it’s here. Their answer: “self doubt is coming through because you and others are on the precipice of big changes. You are being tested, and about to push through to something more. This will happen in any area of life when you are on the brink of transformation. The answer? Sink your teeth into the doubt and press forward anyway. Do not give an inch. Be resolute in your desires. You will have confidence the moment you lean into faith and action.” I suppose this makes sense with the amount of times I hear spirit saying “have faith and trust, trust, trust” in each reading. I suppose that’s what we desperately need, especially this year!
I have a new spirit guide who started coming through to me last year. I didn’t understand the full picture of why he was here until he visited again this month. A few days ago he began sending me words in a language I don’t speak. I had to use Google Translate to interpret. After translating, I was so moved I began to cry. The words he spoke to me are the fruit and harvest of a prophecy I received in 2021 in Colorado, and needed the answers from in this present moment. This wild story is for another day, but the reason I bring it up here is that spirit has been asking me to create a deep meditation - personal reading on what guide is working with you this year and what gifts and knowledge they are bringing you that will help sustain you right now. They are saying it is so necessary as we move through these big changes in the world, and will be the medicine and truth you need as you develop trust and faith in yourself, your guides, and the universal plan. That is coming up next - stay tuned and lean into your self doubt all you want but never give up the faith!
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