We’re in a major time of transition as a collective and as individuals, and spirit has called me to provide an in-depth channeled message for us all. If you feel as though the energy has been particularly heavy lately, let this audio reading guide and illuminate you. There’s also a meaty extended reading below as well as card images from the audio.
The signs and symbols that came out for this reading are:
Christmas trees: a sign of hope and benevolence - all will be alright
Gold coin: Your needs will be provided for, you are supported along this journey
Rainbow: A new, brighter beginning is coming
Dragon: Obstacles are being removed
Spirit is having me link this reading I did on “accepting your cup in the presence of enemies.” They’re saying it’s a necessary re-read in this present moment if you feel called.
Extended reading below:
As we move through this journey, spirit has promised there will be metaphorical Christmas Trees to light our way. During the darkest time of the year, we still have Christmas, a time that is meant to be filled with generosity and hope for mankind. My eldest daughter was in our town’s Christmas play this year, and the cast put on the show “A Christmas Carol.” Though I have seen many film adaptations of the Charles Dickens’ novella over the years, this holiday was the first time I realized the entire plot is about a spiritual awakening. A man’s life is wildly transformed for the better after being visited by four spirits and seeing his own future.
What is spirit telling me with this realization that has to do with our channeled message? They’re saying, “anything can happen at any time, even to the darkest of people. Miracles do happen. Do not give up hope! All is not lost ever. Expect miracles on your journey along the way.”
During the audio reading, spirit brought through the children’s book titled, Mufaro’s Daughters. When the channeling was over, another prophetic message came through to me that I wanted to share below. We briefly talk about how each daughter’s journey to the kingdom in the hopes of becoming Queen reflect the choice-points we face on the road to our own destiny. One aspect of the book stood out to me that I did not mention, and that spirit wanted to bring through in a clear message here.
In the story, there are two sisters. Manyara is self-preserving, power hungry, jealous, reactive, and narcissistic. Nyasha, is non-manipulative, pure at heart, kind, slow to anger, curious, and growth oriented. In the book, it states that the father loves both daughters but is oblivious to how Manyara is emotionally abusive to Nyasha. He is not able to see Manyara’s true colors due to her performative behavior when her father is around. According to the author, Nyasha never tells her father how her sister treats her, in the hopes of not “hurting” her father. This small detail reflects immensely on who the father is and how the sisters were raised.
In many narcissistic relationships there are other people involved who are seen as “the good person.” The “good person” is frequently non-confrontational and is often perceived as being peaceful because they refuse to pick a side. They allow the abuse to persist by not taking action or refusing to see the truth. This trait is rightly branded “willful ignorance” and though passive, can be as insidious as the aggressor.
Perhaps the father was very busy, or simply lacked the discernment and sophistication to see through Manyara’s deception. Or maybe Nyasha knew communicating the truth to her father would turn her into a scapegoat. She would not be believed, and speaking up would be viewed as disruptive to the family dynamic. The father may prefer to live in a false reality, where both daughters are capable and happy, and he is admired as a wise and successful patriarch.
Spirit brought through this alternate footnote for a purpose. In the book, the sister’s embark on a hero’s journey toward their destinies. Along the way they are confronted with different people that appear as choices or obstacles in order to illuminate truth and allow their destinies to take shape. At the end of the book, the daughters find out that the king could shape shift into different people and creatures, and was observing the girls the entire time. The true king could see to the root of each girl’s soul, and rewarded Nyasha with the keys to the kingdom. Manyara on the other hand, became her sister’s servant.
Spirit wants you to know that you are seen and will be repaid for your good works. Throughout our reading, spirit kept bringing up the message of “you have more support than you know” and that you have “quiet supporters or friends” waiting in the wings. Spirit is also saying, that like the king in this story, they see all you have been through, they are with you along this hero’s journey, and your good karmic bank account is full, rest assured, justice will prevail!
Spirit has come through saying that we are being emancipated or liberated from our old life, or an old way of doing things. During this journey time, we will be confronted with different choice points along the way (just as in the book Mufaro’s Daughters.) As we begin to react differently to the situations on our journey, we will realize what our true needs are that we’ve neglected or ignored in the past, or develop a new set of needs entirely. We used the example of Moses in the desert during this reading. Moses had a new set of needs in the desert than he did back in Egypt, and so did the Israelites. Spirit is saying that your emancipated self can ask for your needs and DESIRES to be fulfilled when they are truly aligned with your heart, and they will be provided.
For me, I was shown to do this with a Miriam’s cup (seen below.) Miriam was a prophetess and Moses’s sister who traveled the desert with him. I add a bit of Celtic salt and a squeeze of lemon to the goblet with filtered water, and ask for my needs one by one, and have faith that they will be delivered in the right time. I have had miracles happen from this ritual. (Do you actually need a tool to manifest or pray? No, you don’t. However, the additional action step of pulling the intention out of the mind or heart and into the physical can be extremely useful. It’s an outward act of faith. You could view creating a vision board, or writing down your prayers or manifestations and believing they will come to pass as the same thing.) If this method calls to you, use it, but better yet, go through the spirit-guide meditation from last month, and ask your guides what tool they would like you to use (if any) along your journey for this purpose. You are meant to have your needs met as we traverse this time together. There is no better time to manifest and take care of your needs and others than in times of darkness or transition.
For days, this channeled message has been ready to be posted, but I felt spirit urging me to push pause on this post, and wait for an extra piece of information that was going to come through. Last night, my partner called me from the other side of the country to let me know he arrived safely where he is staying. He went through a bit of a backwards journey to get there. As he boarded his flight, he reluctantly told me he was listening to a song from the animated film Hercules to help him feel better about the trip. It was the song “Go the Distance” by Michael Bolton. Spirit told him to listen to it, as the lyrics held a message. We talked about what life has thrown at us (and me) in the last few years, situation after situation that have felt truly mythic in their labor. Large scale changes, tests, and tragedies that seem to be pushing us toward our fates. I knew this was what spirit was having me wait for. I won’t be persuading you to listen to Michael Bolton (I’m not cruel, apologies if you’re a fan), but I would encourage you to read the lyrics of the song “Go the Distance.” If you are on earth at this time with a specific mission, one of those who came here to wake themselves up and push humanity toward evolution (and you likely are because you’re here), perhaps the story of a greek god who was born a mortal, and completed 12 karmic "labors,” descended to the underworld, and through rescues and many adventures, eventually became a god on Mount Olympus, holds a piece of truth for you on this journey. Maybe if we’re here as “volunteers,” the path to our destiny isn’t supposed to be an easy straight shot. If we’re here to push humanity toward a higher evolution of consciousness, we will face resistance. If you have a mythic soul, and a mythic mission, you may have a mythic journey to face as well.
And finally, here are the cards below from the audio reading:
There are three more psychic meditations coming for you (one that creates safety and truth in the midst of chaos and anxiety, one that sends you into the future and delivers information you’ll need in the present, and one that illuminates and brings your dreams and desires toward you.) Is there one you’d like to see first?
I also did a live channeled reading on election night in November on who the candidates and key people close to them truly are at their root and soul level, and some prophetic messages on the future of the USA. It shocked me at the time, and I’ve marveled at the messages that have come true already. Is this something that interests you? It’s a non-political neutral reading, but the messages that came through made me nervous to post here, not because of the audience, but because it felt like there were spiritual forces behind the truths that didn’t want them to see the light. Perhaps all the more reason to shed some light on the topic? We’ll see.
I would love to hear if this reading resonates, and how you’re doing on this journey, and anyway I can serve you at this time.
Remember, go outside today if you can!
Love to you,
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