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Personal Reading for subscribers for October - Safety is turned on its head

Timeless channelled messages for subscribers, Taurus Scorpio axis, Witch Craft, Great Expectations, and The Day of the Dead

This month’s personal reading is here (above), it’s meant for you in whatever timing you hear it, whether in October or beyond!

On November 1st we’ll have our unconventional Day of the Dead reading and ceremony. For several years, myself, and most of my regular clients have received messages that pertain to a massive rebirth, a bonus life, or a book of life closing and new book of life opening.

In 2021 I was told that this process would be completed when Saturn transits Aries, which begins in May. I was instructed that this November 1st, we will send off our past with love and respect and set intention for our new life to come. In a way it’s a funeral, and in another sense it’s a spell to aid the transformation of a new self as it begins to hold capacity for the new world to come. There will be a reading and channelling session and a candle alter lit with all of your intentions hand written on that day. For private intention setting for your new life, you can send me your wishes and intentions to include in this Day of the Dead ritual at or comment them below. All requests emailed to me will be kept confidential.

I have had many miracles and success stories with my channelled candle lighting rituals and spells. One of my favorites was written about in a post here (scroll down toward the end of the post, just below the photo of the orca, crystal apple, and polaroid photos), when I was selling my house in Denver, Colorado and I needed a five minute miracle.

It’s the perfect timing for such an act. When I think of the Scorpio Taurus axis, I think of the Garden of Eden and the haunted mansion at Disneyland. I think of heaven and hell, Persephone and Hades, or the Charles Dickens novel, Great Expectations.

In the 1998 film adaptation of the book Great Expectations, we have the illustration of this axis in the once lavish gardens and sprawling estate of Paradiso Perduto or “lost paradise” represented by Taurus, that has fallen into extreme neglect and disrepair (think Grey Gardens) represented by Scorpio. We have Finn, a young artist being raised in poverty whose life is transformed by other people’s money (Scorpio 8th house), either through an exchange with Nora Dinsmoor, the owner of Paradiso Perduto, or through a surprise inheritance from an escaped convict Finn aided in his youth. Finn’s life is changed drastically as he finally receives the good karma from his past and is able to pursue his own personal heaven, monetary success in the art world. At the end of the film, Finn is given a chance at a new timeline (a promise his heart always held out for), where he is able to revive, forgive, and transform the past in a way that is new and abundant.

The archetype of the Taurus Scorpio axis has always played the largest role in my life. I am Taurus sun, Scorpio earth in Human Design, and I have a stellium in the 2nd and 8th houses in my tropical birth chart. When I was young, my family’s life felt lavish, youthful, sparkling, and desirable. When I grew up, I watched my family descend into chaos with mental illness, neglect, frequent disasters, losing much of what they had worked for. How has the Taurus Scorpio axis played a role in your life? And what are you ready to forgive and put to death with a respectful burial, and what intentions for your new life and new self will you be setting on November 1st?

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SZ AUDREY @cloakedcathedral
SZ AUDREY @cloakedcathedral